Friday, September 15



Atta flour or roti flour - 3 cups
Ghee or oil
Lukewarm water - required to make dough


1. Put flour in a large mixing bowl, setting aside about half a cup for rolling chapatis.
2. Stir salt through the flour, then add ghee or oil and rub in with fingertips.
3. Add the measured water all at once, moisten all the flour and mix to a firm dough.
4. Knead dough for at least 10 minutes or until dough is smooth and elastic.
5. Gather dough into a ball, put into a small bowl and cover with wet cloth.
6. Leave for 1 hour or longer.
7. Divide dough into balls of even size.
8. Roll each out on a lightly floured board, lightly dusting board and rolling pin with reserved flour and keeping the shape perfectly round or triangle .
9. Roll out the chapatis to be cooked, and when starting to cook them, start with those which were rolled first, since the short rest between rolling and cooking makes the chapatis lighter.
10. Heat a tawa, griddle or heavy frying pan, put the first chapati on the hot pan and leave for 1 minute on medium heat.
11. Turn it over and place second side down.
12. After a further minute, press lightly around the edges of the chapati with a folded tea towel for the bread to puff up and bubble. Do not overcook or the chapatis will become crisp and dry instead of pliable and tender.
13. Wrap the cooked chapatis in a tea towel.
14. Serve warm with curry or other dishes.

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